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A Software Quality Assurance (SQA) Engineer acts as a wall between bad and satisfactory experience for the end user. I'm...
If a repeat customer places an order and doesn't submit the requirements, the seller should have the option to activate the...
I think some more payment methods should be added on legit.Because PayPal isn't available in some countries and payoneer...
Adding phone number verification as an additional security and verification layer to enhance account security, prevent spam...
Adding Seller Level filter is an good idea because it helps buyer to filter more deeply and hire best expert.
every email (hundreds i get from your site) is so large in the viewing preview window that nothing of the message shows. It is...
I would like to propose the implementation of an "Earning Certificate" feature for Legiit sellers. This functionality would...
Problem is that we writers have writing samples in doc or pdf form and we can't upload them in our portfolio as there's no such...
I’d like to suggest an enhancement to the Vacation Mode feature on Legiit to better serve both freelancers and customers. I...